Detailed overview:
British Leafminers - Your Guide to British and European Leafmines
Title: British Leafminers - Your Guide to British and European Leafmines
Creator: Edmunds, Rob; et al.
Abstract: This private web site deals with insects, which larvae mining leafs. It is the result of an on-going project, set up to photograph and record all the leaf mining fauna which occur in Britain. The leaf mining fauna includes Coleoptera (beetles), Diptera (flies), Symphyta (sawflies) and Lepidoptera (moths). The web site deals with 517 species which are presented with short information about host plant, phenology, and mostly with some pictures. Also the National Leafmining Lepidoptera Scheme is presented. [Information of the supplier, modified]
Table of contents: National Leafmining Lepidoptera Scheme / Mines / Species / Plants / Mine-keys / Links / Newsletters / Books
Subject: Synecology and population biology (577.8);
Insecta (Insects) (595.7);
Plant injuries, diseases and pests (632)
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Spatial coverage: British Isles
Audience: Beginner; Intermediate
Language: English
Format: website
Resource type: Discipline based websites
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2011-03-28
Metadata provider: SDEI
URL of this vifabio-resource:
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