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Ectoparasites and Endoparasites - a directory of Web parasitology links and resources
Title: Ectoparasites and Endoparasites - a directory of Web parasitology links and resources
Title abbreviated: Ecto- and Endoparasites
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Creator: Bennett, Clive
Publisher: University
Abstract: These pages are an easy guide to parasitology web-sites. There are lots of links that are useful to both academic staff and students of parasitology. Use the 'Search the web for parasitology' button to find: Parasitology journals, web rings, literature search engines such as Clini-Web and lists of anti-parasitic drugs. [Editorial staff vifabio]
Table of contents: Ectoparasites and Endoparasites / A-Z Guide to Parasitology / Diagnosing medical parasites through coprological techniques / The Amoebae / The Ciliates / Coccidia and Microsporidia / The Flagellates / The Cestodes / The Nematodes / The Trematodes / Unusual Tissue Dwelling Nematodes / Larval Cestodes and Nematodes which infect Man / Malaria / The blood Nematodes / Babesia, Trypanosomes and Leishmania / Arthrop Vectors / Artefacts.
Subject: Symbiosis (591.785);
Medicine and health (610)
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Audience: Intermediate; Experts
Language: English
Format: website
Resource type: Discipline based portals and link collections
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2012-06-29
Metadata provider: UBFfm
URL of this vifabio-resource:
© Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Biologie (vifabio)
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