Detailed overview:
B-VegAna - Vegetation Edition and Analysis Tools
Title: B-VegAna - Vegetation Edition and Analysis Tools
Title abbreviated: B-VegAna
Title alternative: B-VegAna - Herramientas de Edición y Análisis de la Vegetación; The B-VegAna Package
Creator: Font i Castell, Xavier [Direcció general del projecte]; et al.
Publisher: Universitat de Barcelona / Departament de Biologia Vegetal
Abstract: B-VegAna (Vegetation edition and Analysis) is an integrated software package oriented towards the storage, management and analysis of ecological data. The package consists of several programs which can be run independently. It includes ten applications (Fagus, Quercus, Ginkgo, Yucca, Zamia, Taxus, Webherb, Wisteria WMS, Welwitschia and Araucaria). The first seven applications offer the opportunity for any user to manage biodiversity data in many interesting ways with an unified interface and data format, the last three apps provide webservices. After almost nine years of development they have become solid tools with a clearly defined added value. Examples for available applications are: (1) Ginkgo - multivariate analysis tool. Oriented mainly towards ordination and classification of ecological data, stressing methods based on symmetric matrices. (2) Quercus - a relevé table editor. It handles relevé data allowing the user to perform phytosociological works. (3) Fagus - floristic records editor. It can handle data coming from field surveys, bibliographic sources or collections. (4) Yucca - a cartographic plotting tool, that enables the user to plot taxa or syntaxa distributions. Taxon, syntaxon or bibliographic thesauri can be edited within the programs. [Information of the supplier, modified]
Subject: Auxilliary techniques and procedures/apparatus, equipment, materials/microscopy (580.28);
Treatments of plants by specific continents, countries, localities (581.9)
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Spatial coverage: Europe, Western Europe
Audience: Intermediate; Experts
Language: Catalan; English; Spanish
Format: website; software
Resource type: Discipline based websites
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2015-09-14
Metadata provider: UBFfm
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