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Check List of Norwegian Mosses
Title: Check List of Norwegian Mosses
Title alternative: Taxa in the Bryophyte Herbarium [Natural History Museum, Oslo]
Publisher: Universitetet i Oslo / Naturhistorisk Museum
Abstract: The bryophyte herbarium at the Botanical Museum, the University of Oslo, Norway, comprises a Norwegian herbarium (ca. 150,000 specimens, of which ca. 100,000 mosses, ca. 15,000 peat mosses and ca. 35,000 hepatics), a general herbarium (ca. 75,000), a type herbarium with ca. 100 types and a collection of older exsiccata (ca. 5,000 specimens). Buildup of a herbarium database was started in 1997, and is still at an early stage with ca. 3.200 specimens recorded by January 2001. As part of this work, a register of accepted names for Norwegian bryophytes has been made (1066 species in 260 genera; of which 747 species of mosses, 47 peat mosses, 270 hepatics and 2 hornworts), with all known synonyms used on specimens in the Norwegian herbarium (almost 9000 names together). Norwegian names for mosses (about 1100 names) are now also included in the register. We take part in updating a checklist of Norwegian bryophytes (most recent edition: Frisvoll, A.A., Elvebakk, A., Flatberg, K.I. & Økland, R.H. 1995. Sjekkliste over norske moser. - Norsk Institutt for Naturforskning (NINA) Temahefte 4: 1-104.) [Information of the supplier]
Subject: Bryophyta (588)
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Spatial coverage: Scandinavia
Audience: Intermediate; Experts
Language: English; Norwegian
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Metadata update date: 2015-09-14
Metadata provider: UBFfm
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