Title: | Plano Sectorial Rede Natura 2000 - Habitats naturais |
Identifier: | http://www.icnf.pt/portal/naturaclas/rn2000/P-setor-RN |
Publisher: |
Ministério do Ambiente, do Ordenamento do Território e do Desenvolvimento Regional |
Abstract: | Within the limits of Portuguese activities in the construction of a European protection area system “Natura 2000” the naturally occurring habitats were recorded by the Associação Lusitana de Fitossociologia (ALFA); descriptions were formulated according to the rules of the Instituto de Conservação da Natureza (ICN), which can be downloaded in pdf format. The habitats were divided into the following nine groups: coastal habitats and salt tolerant vegetation, coastal dunes and inland dunes, freshwater habitats, heaths and shrubs of the temperate zones, maquis shrubs, natural and semi-natural herbaceous formations, highland and lowland moors, and swamps, rocky environments, and forests. [Editorial staff vifabio] |
Table of contents: | Habitats costeiros e vegetação halófila / Dunas marítimas e interiores / Habitats de água doce / Charnecas e matos das zonas temperadas / Matos esclerófilos / Formações herbáceas naturais e seminaturais / Turfeiras altas, turfeiras baixas e pântanos / Habitats rochosos e grutas / Florestas. |
Subject: |
Ecology (577); Historical, geographic, persons treatment (578.09) » find similar sources! |
Spatial coverage: | Iberian Peninsula and adjacent islands, Spain |
Audience: | Intermediate; Experts |
Language: | Portuguese |
Format: | website |
Resource type: | Discipline based websites |
Access: | free |
Metadata update date: | 2015-10-05 |
Metadata provider: | |
URL of this vifabio-resource: | http://www.vifabio.de/en/iqfBio/detail/5411 |
© Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Biologie (vifabio) |