Detailed overview:
Institute of Sea Fisheries
Title: Institute of Sea Fisheries
Title abbreviated: SF
Title alternative: vTI - Institut für Seefischerei
Creator: Institut für Seefischerei im Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Bundesinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei <Hamburg>
Abstract: The Institute of Sea Fisheries provides the scientific basis and evaluates the economic conditions to guide the sustainable use of natural marine resources. This institute prepares decision support for the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV) with respect to the Common Fisheries Policy of the EU (CFP) and international marine conventions (i.a. NEAFC, NAFO, CCAMLR, OSPAR, IWC, ASCOBANS) of which Germany is a member. Through its scientific monitoring programs and research activities, the institute contributes to a general increase in knowledge about marine systems for the benefit of the international community.Based on its research, the institute enunciates advice to the Federal Ministry (Departments 621 and 622) and the European Commission (STECF, other EU advisory boards). The institute's scientific outcome also forms an important part of the German contribution to the annual advice for fisheries and marine ecosystems provided in collaboration with other European fisheries research institutions (ERA-NET) under the auspices of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). The institute takes part in international research projects funded by EU and other agencies in order to evaluate and resolve specific questions regarding the management of marine living resources and to further improve the scientific basis of its advice. [Information of the supplier]
Subject: Organizations and management (570.6);
Marine ecology (577.7);
Hunting, fishing, conservation, related technologies (639)
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Spatial coverage: Baltic Sea;
North Sea and English Channel
Audience: Intermediate; Experts
Language: English; German
Format: website
Resource type: Official corporations and organisations
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2015-05-05
Metadata provider: SUBHH
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