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VegetWeb: Datenbank Vegetationsaufnahmen
Title: VegetWeb: Datenbank Vegetationsaufnahmen
Title abbreviated: VegetWeb
Publisher: Bundesamt für Naturschutz
Abstract: VegetWeb is a phytosociological database, in which vegetation records can be searched online, displayed and downloaded for further handling. The development of VegetWeb is closely linked with the vegetation databases working group, which has been devoted, since 2002, to the collection, distribution and use of phytosociological data in Germany and the adjoining countries. Vegetation records have been collected worldwide for ca. 100 years using unified methods: on a test plot on the ground all visible plant species are recorded together with their cover-abundance values. The head data contain facts about the position, vegetation structure and location. Records are compared, analysed, and presented in vegetation tables (cross matrices of species x record). They form the foundation data for the definition and the boundaries of plant communities and are simultaneously condensed floral observation data. In Central Europe public archiving (in specialist journals) and the mutual use of vegetation records has a long tradition. In a phytosociological data base the records are digital and can be searched with great efficiency, filtered and linked to other databases – in the case of VegetWeb, online via the internet. The basic stock of VegWeb consists of 2353 records collected by the Federal Department for Nature Conservation from acid-soil beech woods (Luzulo-Fagion), in area terms the most important vegetation species in Germany, whose plant species diversity was thereby made available through detailed analysis. In 2003 the importation of the database BERGWALD added 4934 records from the Bavarian Alps which enabled the evaluation of the forest vegetation of an especially species rich region The architecture of VegetWeb was developed on Planto, taking into account the newest research findings from MoreTax and VegBank. This allows one to deal with the names of plant species in the sense of conceptual taxonomy. Since the species names used in the original records (e.g. Luzula albida) are stored in exactly the same way as their interpretations (e.g. Luzula albida » Luzula luzuloides), VegetWeb unites, while querying, the species taxonomy of all records encountered in the references of the German standard list of ferns and vascular plants by WISSKIRCHEN & HAEUPLER (1998). Thus, the usual, extremely time consuming, harmonising of the taxonomy in the records obtained by associations from various sources is automated. However, the original names and interpretations are in the database and can be accessed for every record in the form of an observation report. [Information of the supplier, translated]
Subject: Treatments of plants by specific continents, countries, localities (581.9)
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Spatial coverage: Central Europe, Germany
Audience: Intermediate; Experts
Language: German
Format: website; database
Resource type: Factual databases
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2009-06-10
Metadata provider: UBFfm
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