Title: | BGCI Plant Search |
Title abbreviated: | PlantSearch |
Title alternative: | Botanic Gardens Conservation International - Plant Search |
Identifier: | http://www.bgci.org/plant_search.php |
Creator: | Botanic Gardens Conservation International <Richmond> |
Rights: | http://www.bgci.org/worldwide/legal/ |
Abstract: | Locate plant species in cultivation around the world using our unique Plant Search. This database is compiled from lists of living collections submitted to BGCI by the world's botanic gardens. To protect rare species, the location of some plants cannot be displayed but you can make contact with hidden gardens via our plant locator form. You may have to query more than once as this search works on the 'AND' principle i.e. medicinal and CITES listed. It is BGCI's intention to keep adding to these lists of conservation interest. [Information of the supplier] |
Subject: |
Collections and exhibits of living plants (580.73); Plants and microorganisms as biological resources (333.953) » find similar sources! |
Audience: | Intermediate; Experts |
Language: | English |
Format: | website; database |
Resource type: | Factual databases |
Access: | free |
Metadata update date: | 2012-02-22 |
Metadata provider: | |
URL of this vifabio-resource: | http://www.vifabio.de/en/iqfBio/detail/4515 |
© Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Biologie (vifabio) |