Detailed overview:
AFSV - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Forstliche Standorts- und Vegetationskunde
Title: AFSV - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Forstliche Standorts- und Vegetationskunde
Title abbreviated: AFSV
Creator: Walentowski, Helge [1. Vorsitzender]; et al.
Abstract: The Association of Forest Site Ecology and Geobotany (AFSV) has a long tradition and was boosted by the leadership of prominent forest scientists with international reputation. When established in 1928, foremost forest ecologists such as Prof. Dr. Konrad Rubner were founding members of the association. Beyond classification and syntaxonomy of forest types their geobotanical approach placed an emphasis on investigations of ecology and silvicultural application of results. After an interruption during World War II the society was re-founded in 1954. In 1985 our association was accepted as a member organization of the German Union of Forest Research Organizations (DVFFA; national agency of the IUFRO). Since 2006 the AFSV represents an independent research unit (section) within the DVFFA and is thus part of a larger national and international network. [Information of the supplier]
Subject: Forest ecology (577.3);
Orchards, fruits and forestry (634)
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Spatial coverage: Central Europe, Germany
Audience: Intermediate; Experts
Language: German
Format: website
Resource type: Academic societies, professional associations, working groups
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2008-06-27
Metadata provider: UBFfm
URL of this vifabio-resource:
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