Detailed overview:
Ethologische Gesellschaft e.V.
Title: Ethologische Gesellschaft e.V.
Creator: Ethologische Gesellschaft e.V. <Marburg/Lahn>
Abstract: The Ethologische Gesellschaft was founded on 10. October 1978 in Basel (Switzerland). At the meeting 116 members were present, and the society now has about 400 members, most of whom are from German-speaking countries (Austria, Germany, Switzerland) and the Netherlands. The Ethologische Gesellschaft is a non-profit organization, founded with the aim of supporting behavioural research in science and teaching. [Information of the supplier]
Subject: Organizations and management (590.6)
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Audience: Beginner; Intermediate; Experts
Language: English; German
Format: website
Resource type: Academic societies, professional associations, working groups
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2013-04-08
Metadata provider: UBFfm
URL of this vifabio-resource:
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