Detailed overview:
Deutsche Gartenbauwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft
Title: Deutsche Gartenbauwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft
Title abbreviated: DGG
Title alternative: German Society for Horticultural Science
Creator: DGG = Deutsche Gartenbauwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V. <Hannover>
Abstract: The aim of The German Society for Horticultural Science (Inc.) is to promote horticultural science. The interchange of ideas and information between scientist and user of research results (e.g. consultant, horticultural practitioner, breeder, agrochemical industry) is the primary focus of the members of The Society. [Information of the supplier]
Subject: Organizations and management (580.6);
Garden crops (horticulture), Vegetables (635)
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Audience: Beginner; Intermediate; Experts
Language: English; German
Format: website
Resource type: Academic societies, professional associations, working groups
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2012-09-27
Metadata provider: UBFfm
URL of this vifabio-resource:
© Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Biologie (vifabio)
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