Detailed overview:
Systematics of the Metazoa
Title: Systematics of the Metazoa
Title alternative: Metazoa: Systematics
Creator: Collins, Allen G.; et al.
Publisher: University of California
Abstract: "Why do evolutionary biologists care who's related to whom, and how do scientists find out how different animals are related?" Scientists care because phylogeny is the fundamental product of evolution. Therefore, a phylogenetic hypothesis is essential if you want to understand biological phenomena, most of which have an evolutionary explanation. Since many scientists would like to know how animal diversity and animal body plans came to be, presently there is a great deal of work on resolving the evolutionary relationships among the major groups of animals. Much of this research has relied upon morphological characters, especially those expressed in early development (e.g. embryological characters). More recently, a significant advance in our understanding of animal phylogeny has been brought about by the study of molecules (in particular genes and their protein products) contained within animal cells. The phylogeny presented here is a relatively conservative guess based upon various published studies of 18S ribosomal RNA sequence data. As you can see, there are quite a few unresolved branches, and therefore a great deal of work to be done in this area. [Information of the supplier]
Subject: Classification in zoology (590.12)
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Metadata update date: 2008-02-05
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