Detailed overview:
Plankton*Net@AWI - biodiversity data provider
Title: Plankton*Net@AWI - biodiversity data provider
Title abbreviated: Plankton*Net@AWI
Title alternative: plankton*net@AWI; PlanktonNet@AWI
Creator: Kraberg, Alexandra; et al.
Publisher: Stiftung Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung (AWI)
Abstract: The PLANKTON*NET data provider at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research is an open access repository for plankton-related information. It covers all types of phytoplankton and zooplankton from marine and freshwater areas. PLANKTON*NET's greatest strength is its comprehensiveness as for the different taxa image information as well as taxonomic descriptions can be archived. PLANKTON*NET also contains a glossary with accompanying images to illustrate the term definitions. PLANKTON*NET therefore presents a vital tool for the preservation of historic data sets as well as the archival of current research results. Our OAI-PMH compliant data provider represents a node within the distributed repository architecture originally planned in EU-funded project "Plankton*Net" (visit This repository, together with the other other planned nodes (planktonet@roscoff and planktonnet@lisbon) are being harvested daily by a service provider specifically dedicated to the task of disseminating plankton-related records to a vast audience (visit In addition, we are currently working on making Plankton*Net repositories also harvestable by GBIF using the BioCASe protocol. [Information of the supplier]
Further information provided by the projekt: "PLANKTON*NET is a growing network of online databases that forms a comprehensive resource for plankton taxonomy and ecology. The first three sites were established at the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), the Station Biologique de Roscoff ( and the University of Lisbon ( PLANKTON*NET is a source of authoritative information about plankton taxa, featuring images, schematics, taxonomic descriptions and glossaries. However, it is also a repository for historic and current distribution data of plankton organisms. The site includes powerful browse and search functions allowing the user e.g. to search or distribution records of a given species, or look for all records in a given geographic location. The number of records is growing rapidly as data are not only entered by the PLANKTON*NET partners but also a growing number of external contributors that can enter their own data remotely. PLANKTON*NET is a very versatile tool support tool for students and lecturers but also a proper research tool for more experienced researchers."
Subject: Marine ecology (577.7);
Marine biology (578.77)
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Spatial coverage: Oceans and Seas
Audience: Intermediate; Experts
Language: English
Format: website; database
Resource type: Factual databases;
Picture databases
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2007-07-31
Metadata provider: UBFfm
URL of this vifabio-resource:
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