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Interactive Key to Genera of Euphorbiaceae s.l., Salicaceae & Achariaceae
Title: Interactive Key to Genera of Euphorbiaceae s.l., Salicaceae & Achariaceae
Title alternative: Interactive Key to Genera of Euphorbiaceae
Creator: Hoffmann, Petra; et al.
Publisher: Royal Botanic Gardens
Abstract: Work on the DELTA Euphorbiaceae key started in 2002 as a one-year undergraduate project. The generic descriptions in Genera Euphorbiacearum, comprising Centroplacaceae, Euphorbiaceae senu stricto, Pandaceae, Phyllanthaceae, Picrodendraceae, and Putranjivaceae, were digitised and further standardised. Aimeé Galster also illustrated each character state where possible. Over the following years the key was tested and continually improved in the Malpighiales Section of the Kew Herbarium during routine naming sessions. The size and diversity of Euphorbiaceae sensu lato, and the wealth of data contained in this key is such that it is far from perfect, but testing by more specialists will hopefully further improve the accuracy of the database behind the key. The Kew Malpighiales Team welcomes any comments and corrections from users, and will regularly integrate them in updates. [Information of the supplier]
Subject: Dilleniidae (583.6)
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Audience: Intermediate; Experts
Language: English
Format: website; software
Resource type: Identification keys
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2014-11-14
Metadata provider: UBFfm
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