Title: | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie (DGfM-e.V.) |
Identifier: | http://www.dgfm-ev.de/ |
Publisher: | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie e.V. |
Rights: | http://www.dgfm-ev.de/www/de/impressum/impressum.php3 |
Abstract: | The German Mycological Society (DGfM) is a representation of interests of German professional and amateur mycologists, mushroom pickers and nature conservationists. DGfM supports the investigation of fungal relationships and ecology, the conservation of nature and of biotopes, promotes national and international exchange of knowledge and scientific discussion by the publication of the German-language journal Zeitschrift für Mykologie and the English-language journal Mycological Progress. The German Mycological Society trains Pilzsachverständige-DGfM ('Specialists in Fungi') and is responsible for the education of Fachberater für Mykologie ('Consultants for Mycology'). [Information of the supplier] |
Subject: |
Organizations and management (578.06); Fungi, Eumycophyta (True fungi) (579.5) » find similar sources! |
Audience: | Beginner; Intermediate; Experts |
Language: | English; German |
Format: | website |
Resource type: |
Academic societies, professional associations, working groups; Discipline based websites |
Access: | free |
Metadata update date: | 2007-02-14 |
Metadata provider: | |
URL of this vifabio-resource: | http://www.vifabio.de/en/iqfBio/detail/2092 |
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