Detailed overview:
Croatian Information Service for Biodiversity
Title: Croatian Information Service for Biodiversity
Title abbreviated: CIS B
Creator: Croatian Information Service for Biodiversity = CIS B
Abstract: Inside the realisation of scientific project Biological Database and GIS (no. 1-08-330), financed by the Ministry of Science of Republic of Croatia, the Croatian Information Service for Biodiversity is done. In realisation are involved the biologists from the Division of Biology (Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb), from the Croatian Natural History Museum, the colleagues from the University Computing Centre and our worth students of biology. Service for Biodiversity contains the information about biological specificity of Croatia and Croatian flora and fauna. Also the basic information about scientific project (field of biology) in Croatia, scientific institutions and biological journals are available. Service is still under development. The lot of materials are written only in one language (croatian or english), and only few exist in both languages. We will try to resolve this insufficiency as soon as possible. English home page is connected only with relatively small number of documents. For other material we suggest you to visit Croatian version of this Service. [Information of the supplier]
Table of contents: Biological ID card of Croatia / Flora of Croatia / Fauna of Croatia / Biological institutions in Croatia / Biological journals / Croatian Information Service for Environment
Subject: Historical, geographic, persons treatment (578.09);
Biological resources (333.95)
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Spatial coverage: Serbia and Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Macedonia
Audience: Intermediate; Experts
Language: Croatian; English
Format: website
Resource type: Discipline based websites
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2014-10-28
Metadata provider: UBFfm
URL of this vifabio-resource:
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