Detailed overview:
Noncode - the database of all kinds of noncoding RNA
Title: Noncode - the database of all kinds of noncoding RNA
Title abbreviated: Noncode
Creator: Chinese Academy of Sciences / Institute of Computing Technology / Bioinformatics Research Group <Beijing>; Chinese Academy of Sciences / Institute of Biophysics / Bioinformatics Lab <Beijing>
Abstract: NONCODE is a database of all kinds of noncoding RNAs (except tRNAs and rRNAs). It is distinguished from other ncRNA databases by: 1. The data amount of NONCODE is big, and almost all traditional ncRNA classes are included. 2. All the sequences are confirmed by consulting the references manually, more than 80% data are from experiments. 3. We introduced a new classification system -- process function classification system, which based on the cellular process it takes part in. 4. NONCODE also provides an efficient search option, allowing recovery of sequence, related publications and other information. Now it contains 5,339 public sequences from 861 organisms covering all kingdoms of life, including vira and viroids. [Information of the supplier]
Subject: Biochemical genetics (572.8)
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Audience: Intermediate; Experts
Language: English
Format: website; database
Resource type: Factual databases
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2015-10-08
Metadata provider: UBFfm
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