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Index Herbariorum
Title: Index Herbariorum
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Creator: New York Botanical Garden <Bronx, NY>
Contributor: Thiers, Barbara
Abstract: Index Herbariorum, a joint project of the International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT) and The New York Botanical Garden (NYBG), is a detailed directory of the public herbaria of the world and the staff members associated with them. The eighth edition, published in 1990, is available for $35.00 from The New York Botanical Garden Press. Included in the on-line edition of Index Herbariorum is information for 3,293 herbaria in 168 countries and 10,060 staff members associated with these herbaria. Information for over 80% of the herbaria has been updated, and 526 herbaria have been added since the eighth edition of INDEX HERBARIORUM. Information is available for searching by institution, city, state, acronym, staff member, correspondent, research specialty, and important collections. Telephone and fax numbers and e-mail and URL addresses are included. Note that the Index is fully searchable on research specialty, so it also serves as a PLANT SPECIALISTS INDEX. [Information of the supplier]
Subject: Museums, collections, exhibits (580.74)
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Audience: Intermediate; Experts
Language: English
Format: website; database
Resource type: Factual databases
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2013-11-06
Metadata provider: UBFfm
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