Detailed overview:
Asian Mycological Congress 2023
Title: Asian Mycological Congress 2023
Title alternative: AMC2023
Venue: Busan
Start date: 2023-10-10
End date: 2023-10-13
Creator: Lee, Hyang Burm [Organizing Committee]
Abstract: On behalf of the organizing committee for Asian Mycological Congress 2023 (AMC2023) it is with great honor that I graciously welcome you all to AMC2023 in Busan, Korea from October 10 - 13, 2023. The congress is titled Fungal World and Its Bioexploitation – in all areas of basic and applied mycology. It is a pleasure to note that this congress will cover the widest range of interesting topics related to all theoretical and practical aspects of mycology, as it is mentioned in the theme: Fungal Systematics and diversity, Aquatic and Marine Fungi, Mushroom Biology, Mycovirus, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Physiology and Biochemistry, Fungal Metabolites, Food Mycology and Safety, Bioremediation, and Omics related fields. [Information of the supplier]
Subject: Fungi, Eumycophyta (True fungi) (579.5)
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Spatial coverage: Korea
Audience: Experts
Language: English
Format: website
Resource type: Conferences and Congresses (archive)
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2023-11-03
Metadata provider: UBFfm
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