vifabio » E-Journals

Electronic Journals

» To the Electronic Journals of Biology

Your point of access:

In cooperation with the Electronic Journals Library (EZB) vifabio offers a comfortable online access to over 0 professional E-Journals. Colours of traffic lights indicate the availability of the journals:

green Full texts are freely accessible.
yellow Your library / research institute has a licence for this journal; it is accessible for the users of this institution.
yellow and red The institution has no continuous subscription on this journal; only some of the published volumes are accessible as full texts.
red The journal is not on subscription, thus full texts are not accessible. Mostly, however, tables of contents and, in many cases, abstracts are available free-of-charge.

The detailed record displays a list of institutions with subscriptions for access to full texts. readme("readme") provides further information on availability.

NOTICE: Access is refused to users who misuse the EZB!


FID Biodiversity
is starting

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