vifabio » Calendar of Conferences and Congresses

Calendar of Conferences and Congresses

The vifabio Calendar of Conferences and Congresses provides an overview of the most important upcoming events in biology, in chronological order. Only larger conferences and congresses of several days' duration are considered. Please take advantage of the options on the right-hand side to refine the list of events.

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2025-02-19 — 2025-02-21, Tutzing
Join us for ETHO 2025 in Tutzing, the Annual Meeting of the Ethological Society, organized by the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence, Seewiesen. We invite all behavioural biologists, including members and non-members of the Ethological Society, to present their work and discuss it with ... [Information of the supplier]
2025-02-20 — 2025-02-22, Kiel
The ‘6th Morphology Meeting’ (formerly known as Young Researcher Meeting Morphology) will take place at the Zoological Museum Kiel (Hegewischstraße 3, 24105 Kiel) from Thursday 20th until Saturday 22nd of February 2025. The MM is the graduate forum of the Fachgruppe Morphologie of the German Zoological ... [Information of the supplier]
2025-02-24 — 2025-02-28, Amsterdam
The 8th European Conference of Tropical Ecology will be held in Amsterdam (the Netherlands) from 24 to 28 February 2025. We are excited that more than 250 abstracts have been submitted. Furthermore, we are delighted that the NWO (the Dutch Science Foundation) has agreed to be the main sponsors of the ... [Information of the supplier]
2025-03-10 — 2025-03-14, Havanna
Located in the Caribbean, with a privileged location that has given it the nickname “the key to the Gulf”, the island of Cuba has been a meeting and celebration point for centuries. Cuban botanists are eager to welcome our Latin American brothers and sisters and demonstrate the hospitality of our people, ... [Information of the supplier]
2025-03-11 — 2025-03-14, Bilbao
On behalf of the ESMI President Jordi Llop and the entire Board it is with immense pleasure to invite you to Bilbao for the 20th annual meeting of the ESMI: the EMIM 2025! With 1100+ international participants, the EMIM has significantly grown while preserving its collaborative, inclusive, and lively ... [Information of the supplier]
2025-03-17 — 2025-03-20, Geisenheim
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, wir laden Sie herzlich zur Teilnahme an der Entomologentagung 2025 ein. Die Tagung findet vom 17. bis 20. März 2025 an der Hochschule Geisenheim University (HGU) (Deutschland) statt. Die Entomologentagungen sind zweijährliche internationale Kongresse mit einem sehr breiten ... [Information of the supplier]
2025-03-26 — 2025-03-28, Weimar
The conference will be held in Weimar, Germany, from 26th to 28th March 2025. [Information of the supplier]
2025-04-01 — 2025-04-03, Nottingham
Ornithologists are increasingly making use of cutting-edge technologies and other novel approaches to stem the tide of avian extinctions and diversity loss caused by human impacts. With recent rapid technological advancements, increases in computational power, and improvements in wider accessibility, ... [Information of the supplier]
2025-04-02 — 2025-04-04, Trier
We are pleased to announce the annual meeting of the “Arbeitskreis Biogeographie”, the German network of biogeographers, at Trier University, Campus II, 2-4 April 2025. The Biogeography department at Trier University was established 25 years ago by the late Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Paul Müller. We would ... [Information of the supplier]
2025-04-14 — 2025-04-17, Newcastle upon Tyne
This year’s European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association (EHBEA) Conference, hosted at Northumbria University in the historic Newcastle-Upon-Tyne from April 14-17, will bring together scholars in human behaviour and evolution research. EHBEA has a special focus on interdisciplinary approaches, ... [Information of the supplier]
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