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Imprint and terms of use
The superimposed photographs in the upper left of the vifabio presence are subject to copyright.
The illustrations are the property of Christian Vas, Matthias Kromer, Jashar Rexhepi, Judith Dähne, Gerwin Kasperek, Kurt Stüber, Prof. Dr. Meike Piepenbring, Ralph Pflanzer, Matthias Liffers or Manfred Ruppel, and were made available to the University Library for use in the web presence of vifabio.
The copyright for the logo of the Virtual Library of Biology belongs to Bettina Burkardt:

The work of the graphics designer may not be altered either in the original or the reproductions without her agreement. Any imitation, even of parts of the work, is forbidden.
The logo may be used only for the agreed type of use i.e. for the identification of the Virtual Library of Biology (vifabio) and the content and texts contained therein.